Traffic Jams

With the hope of waltzing through the day,

I start vrooming and its serene,

Until I halt at the traffic jam,

And my thoughts in between,

Is this a good day to start a vlog on cam,

Or maybe click on the goodies of eBay.

Five minutes already and still nothing moves,

The traffic signal sent us to a state of statue,

Maybe watch web series on the OTT,

Or go through the pointers on today’s PPT,

Now whose honking in the middle of nowhere,

In his theater of absurd, he sits unaware.

It’s about dusk,

The sky is pink and blue,

What will I cook for dinner,

I have no clue,

Maybe read up on Elon Musk.

And fifteen minutes through,

There is commotion,

I can move an inch, bit by bit,

When will I swim through this ocean,

500 Days Of Summer, Zooey, Gordon Levitt?

Where are you Spiderman?

I need to be rescued from noise and honking,

Playing Hans Zimmerman,

Excuse me? Are you sticking finger at me and pinpointing?

Did I forget what?

The signals green already,

Am no more in the traffic caught,

Riding on a speed steady,

A few minutes to reaching home,

Picking up groceries and flowers,

A nice soak with scented bath bombs,

Yet another day is almost over.

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