Wrong Role Models

Demagoguery is a sign of an bellicose manipulator who binges on your emotional energy to quench his narcissistic purport.Worldlings get so imbued by this imbecility to the point of blindfolded devotionthat they succeed in commiting crimes and suicides.The belligerent marching in their minds at a early stage where psyche absorbs everything like a sponge.We chose our influences.But sometimes we dont have a choice given to dreary circumstances.Not every earthling has the strength to decide at an unseasoned age.But the denizens of the preambled educational dialect,what do we vouch for?We too pick up and binge our lives on wrong role models.

For instance,how many times have you or your true quondmly seen yourself follow esoteric rituals and

customs without being questioned.How can you have these old-timer models and system be made suitable to your mind and consider them above reproach.We use esoteric,archiac ideaology with regard to relations and life perse and call it the old-school stability.Ever come across old geezers hurting and beating up their wives and children in the name of discipline and order?Ever come across this asshole who justifies his/her behaviour saying ‘spare the rod and spoil the child?’Like it were their legacy or some kind of gospel that they picked up from their peers and sires.What kind of role model have they been espousing that doesnot give freedom of expression within the family circle.Discriminating their own stemma in the name of religious paranoia,disowning them for making their choices.What role models are these golden agers sticking to?Are they blinded to gumption?The same attitude is reflected in relations at work.That is what gives birth to asshole management that jeoperdises your career and slowly poisons your enthusiasm.

Mtv esp is rotting the minds of the young making voyeurism acceptable and giving a wrong impression of professional and personal values through programs such as true life,roadies,splitzville.Making professions such as an escort,stripper look cool and raw.What is a profession that has no dignity and you have to go in the hidden mode just to talk about it.What kind of a hypocrisy is it when a channel talks about being pure and raw and hides the identity of the individual while showcasing their alternative profession.They are probably the worst role models ever to be pickup only by a nincompoop and an indolent mind;so screwed up that you can’t decide right from wrong.When a person cannot decide right from wrong,they are inviting doom.Making vice look otherwise very cool.Every heard a successful world leader preach something like what Mtv and its twin utv bindass bol is trying to advocate?

We are influenced by celebrities and the limelight at some point of time in our lives.However our obsession might just fade with age or contiue till we are rotten and aged.We like to make use of practicality and rationality and its synonyms in our day to day lives,however theres a secret passage that keeps ticking and we subconsciously simulate them.Are these stupendous performance artists good role models?What do we know about their trueselves from what we read in gossip magazines and twitter msgs.Why do you care what is true when their profession is all about ‘acting.’Teens wanting to win beauty paegents and getting a botox is quite alarming.How good are these role models to your life?

I’d say explore yourself and be your own role model.Pick up a thing or two from others successful lives that serves your true purpose.However theres no absolutism in anything.One cannot follow each and anything written in and written about a person’s life or opinions,coz hey..we got our own too?you ought-to follow what you’ve got to follow and decide what makes true sense to you.After you are able to swim through any kind of double bind created by the disingenuous demagougy in the form of a parent,teacher,siblings,leader,ideations in a book or any kind of thought that seems to influence our nous.Filter!thats what we grown-ups do!

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